Our M&A practice is at the heart of our Firm. We structure, negotiate and execute the full range of public and private M&A transactions. We aim to anticipate issues and provide clients with viable and sustainable solutions. We are fiercely committed to client service and offer high-quality advice, forging many long-standing relationships.

Nature of Work

Our work includes advising on:

  • Acquisitions and sale of securities, assets and businesses
  • Divestitures/auctions
  • Tender offers- hostile and friendly
  • Cross-border transactions – in-bound as well as out-bound
  • Distressed mergers and acquisitions

We have represented clients on the buy side and sell side of M&A transactions. We deliver the full range of services which apply to M&A transactions including structuring, diligence, documentation, assistance in identifying and applying for regulatory approvals, closing assistance and implementation of steps.

Many of our M&A deals have a global dimension and we work closely with international law firms, accounting firms and global investment banks to guide our clients through complex transactions.

The Firm is able to interact with regulators and local authorities on a quick-time basis to provide necessary practical inputs to M&A transaction.

Key Sectors

Our expertise extends to various industries, some of the sectors in which we operate include:

  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Healthcare
  • Technology
  • E-commerce
  • Financial Institutions
  • Consumer Goods
  • Education
  • Logistics & packaging
  • Insurance
  • Manufacturing
  • Media
  • Real Estate
  • Retail
  • Automotive